Data Migration Solutions

We have extensive experience in data migration and conversion

We have extensive experience in data migration and conversion which has proven to be one of the key factors of success in a lot of projects. Examples of our migration projects are as follows ...

100,000,000 records of customer accounts with monthly invoices (10 years’ worth of records) were migrated from RDB database to Oracle 10g.

This was a huge challenge due to the nature of the data being migrated; millions of records had to be migrated from Informex, Access and Excel sheets. Having three different sources of data posed a huge challenge!

We updated their applications from Oracle forms 10G to Oracle forms 12C; upgraded 20 modules with a total number of 4,800 forms and 6,000 reports. We migrated the database from 10G to 12C then moved it to Oracle ODA, which included millions of records.

8,000,000 records were successfully migrated from Informix to Oracle with data cleansing and verification.

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